Everyone at TKO Radio, our advertisers, sponsors, and friends, wish you all a very Merry Christmas. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdEbhfXXB4Ojo0qI0TVD2f1EhGgNQvEud&si=612ZQY9j61RGya6o
Welcome to the latest edition of Get Set For… And this time we include one of the biggest seasonal events ...
The Spanish Government has now confirmed that the mandatory requirement for all dogs to have civil liability insurance will not ...
Within the new Animal Welfare Law that comes into force on 29 September 2023, there is reference to the Positive ...
As the new Animal Welfare Law comes into force, it will no longer be possible to buy most pets from ...
Animal Welfare Law Bullet Points Presenters : Pick 2 or 3 of these bullet points, talk about them and link ...
For most people, our beloved pets already form part of the family, but for the minority, they are seen as ...
WE HAVE A WINNER! The TKO Mystery Voice was Melanie Chisolm (Sporty Spice from the Spice Girls) correctly guessed by ...